Friday, 21 June 2013
Day 1: UK-Estonia
I think it was around 1 o'clock when Andreas finally texted us that he is on his way back home. His first sms was then followed by then more, most of them saying: "RAMMSTEIN"...
He worked 3 days at Download festival and got to see everything he wanted and the cherry on the cake was Rammstein on the last day. When he and Benjamin got back we could smell the alcohol from miles away. But the videos and stories showed that it was a good shift lol. We then forced him to pack his stuff, which was rather hilarious to watch him trying to understand what he is doing. Anyways i think it took probably an hour to get everything sorted and barely fit in the boot + we all had to take our day sacks into the car, but it wasn't that horrible. So we had an hour nap time till 5, put our last stuff in the car, checked everything and moved to the challenging bit - waking up Andreas… We tried many things, Karen was hitting him, guys were shouting, I jumped on top of him and yelled near his ears but nothing, then we just took off the blanket and tried to carry him away, but he kind of woke up then. It took another 40 minutes to get him completely up and in the car. Ladislav woke up as well to say goodbye and after dropping some stuff at my old place we could hit the road!
Next stop Dover! Fortunately we didn't have many problems along the way, just got stuck in a few traffic jams but no big deal. Once we reached Dover we had to go through passport check. When the french guy asked for passports and we were about to hand them over he said:" Okay, go." He didn't even touch them or check the photos or anything… Then we were asked to pull over to check the car. We thought that we're gonna stay there forever as our car was really full of stuff. So the guy just came over told Taavi to open the boot and asked:" Who does this belong to?" As it was all ours he just let us go, that easily. Then we had to wait an hour till they started to load the cars on the ferry. It took about ~2 hours to reach Calais, France. Me and Andreas decided to refill our drinks, and bought 2 litres of Whisky, but as soon as we turned off Rammstein he fell asleep instantly... what a twat.
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